Frank Zappa's 200 Motels


The Title

FZ, quoted by Jennifer Lois Brown, Digger, July 14-28, 1973

We'd stayed in approximately 200 motels, touring, up to the time the movie was made. I know, because I collect the keys.


United Artists

FZ, interviewed by Barry Miles, NYC, November 14, 1970 (International Times, January-February 1971)

United Artists gets the soundtrack album, and they said that no matter how much music there is in the film, they'll put it out, even if it's four records. They said that at the first meeting. The deal itself—the distribution splits, etc., is an excellent deal, at least 10% better than the average deal, which is a lot in the movie business. I couldn't believe it! It only took about two weeks.


The Rykodisc Reissue

Tom Brown, interviewed by Vladimir Sovetov, Arf, c. 1999

They made a Herculean effort to obtain the rights to "200 Motels" (the only FZ title of which the rights did not remain with him), because it was at the top of the fans want list, and after two years is had still barely sold ten thousand copies, world wide. A tragedy.


The Cover Art

Dave McMacken, interviewed by UnCovered, April 2010

Frank and Cal were putting the wraps on 200 Motels and were looking for an artist to help them, so we heard about it and met up at Murakami Wolf Swenson Films in Hollywood—just off Sunset Boulevard—and showed Cal my work.

They decided to try me and asked me to do a comp of a section of the cover that would feature Frank in a "pulp-style look", looming over the populace and "bingo", 200 Motels (editor's note—this comp would later be reworked to be used as the cover of the Zappa EP for Rhino titled Rare Meat, see image, below). Cal was a very calm character, a great artist for Frank, and I was honored to work with him, FZ and Murakami Wolf Swenson Films. Cal and I bumped into each other all of the time while he was doing animations and I was doing backgrounds.

The Original Uncensored Cover

Rockaway, c. May 19, 2019

200 Motels

1971 original 12.25" x 12.25" unreleased album cover slick for the "200 Motels" record that was scrapped due to objections from Apple Records because of the use of Ringo Starr's image. On this one, Ringo can be seen at the top right and at the bottom he's next to game show host "Dave" (Theordore Bikel). The release version altered Ringo's face at the top right and completely removed him from the bottom.


technicians: Paul Hoff & Dave O'Neil


The Album vs. The Movie vs. The Suites vs. The Shooting Script


Shooting Script The Suites Pinewood Studios, London, UK, January-February 1971, with overdubs from Whitney Studios, Glendale, CA, c. April 1971 (except where indicated) Los Angeles, October 23, 2013 More
Scenes Measures 200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc, 1997) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) & others Frank Zappa 200 Motels The Suites (Zappa Records, 2015) Some recycled music & other stuff
1. Overture
    1.01. Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture   5.03. Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture (Mix Outtake) 1.01. Overture  
1/2 1-23 0:00-1:09 0:00:43-0:01:55 0:00-1:09 0:00-1:13 Holiday In Berlin (Theme A)
24     1:09-1:18 1:13-1:17  
25-36 1:09-1:50 0:01:55-0:02:38 1:18-1:58 1:17-1:59  
3 37 1:50-1:59 0:02:38-0:02-46 1:58-2:06 1:59-2:17  
    0:02:46-0:02:48 2:06-2:09    
      3.02. Scene 3: "What's The Deal?"    
    0:02:48-0:04:49 0:00-1:59    
6. Touring Can Make You Crazy
    1.10. Touring Can Make You Crazy     1.06. Touring Can Make You Crazy  
4 1-40 0:00-2:52     0:00-2:06  
7. What's The Name Of Your Group?
    1.03. Dance Of The Rock & Roll Interviewers   4.10. What's The Name Of Your Group (FZ Edit) 5.04. What's The Name Of Your Group (Complete Sequence, Part I) 1.07. What's The Name Of Your Group?  
5 1-18     0:00-0:40 0:07-0:47 00:00-00:49 Epilogue (AOTT) 0:00-0:34
19-21       0:47-0:58 00:49-01:07  
22-45     0:40-1:38 0:58-1:56 01:07-02:15 Epilogue (AOTT) 0:34-1:02
46-54       1:56-2:21 02:15-02:59  
55-76     1:38-2:59 2:21-3:42 02:59-04:31 Pound For A Brown
      Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (VPRO, 1971) 5.05. What's The Name Of Your Group? (Complete Sequence, Part II)    
77-87a     02:17-02:52 0:00-0:39 04:31-05:19  
        3.03. Mystery Roach      
6/(7a) 87b     2:13-2:45 0:39-0:41 05:19-06:09  
8/(7b) 88-95a       0:41-0:56 06:09-06:28  
9/(10) 95b       0:56-0:58 06:28-06:59  
11 96-116a       0:58-1:42 06:59-07:51  
12/(13) 116b       1:42-1:45 07:51-08:38  
14 117-124       1:45-1:56 08:38-08:50  
125-154 0:00-0:48 0:12:37-0:13:25   1:56-2:45 08:50-09:39  
        5.06. What's The Name Of Your Group? (Complete Sequence, Part III)    
15 155-157     0:00-0:07 09:39-09:48  
158-182   0:14:55-0:16:39 0:07-2:13 09:48-11:46 Epilogue (AOTT)
8. Can I Help You With This Dummy?
          5.07. Can I Help You With This Dummy? 1.08. Can I Help You With This Dummy?  
16.01-16.08 1-22       0:00-0:57 0:00-1:01  
16.09-16.10 23-26     3.01. Filthy Habits (Läther) 6:31-6:41 0:57-1:09 1:01-1:19  
16.11-16.12 26-28       1:09-1:21 1:19-1:28  
16.13-16.21 29-39     3.01. Filthy Habits (Läther) 6:41-7:00 1:21-1:58 1:28-2:23  
16.21-16.22a 40-41       1:58-2:05 2:23-2:32  
2. Went On The Road
        3.08. Scene 17: "When Do We Get Paid"    
17.01-17     0:16:41-0:16:47 0:00-0:06    
17.18-19     0:08:11-0:08:31      
17.20a     0:08:31-0:08:40 1:13-1:21    
17.20b-17.21     0:08:50-0:09:00 1:22-1:31    
17.22     0:09:21-0:09:27 1:31-1:37    
17.23-17.25       1:37-1:57    
17.26-17.31     0:09:27-0:10:09 1:57-2:37    
17.32-17.38       2:43-3:55    
17.39-17.41     0:10:09-1:10:22 3:55-4:08    
17.42-17.44     0:12:18-0:12:37 4:08-4:27    
17.45-17.48       4:27-4:52    
17.49     0:16:47-0:16:49 4:52-4:54    
17.50-17.52       4:54-5:12    
    1.11. Would You Like A Snack?   3.09. Scene 18: Went On The Road 5.10. Would You Like A Snack (Alternate Take) 1.02. Went On The Road  
18 1-29 0:00-1:23   0:00-1:23 0:00-1:16 0:00-1:11 Holiday In Berlin (Theme A)
30-32     1:23-1:42 1:16-1:31 1:11-1:24  
33-35       1:31-2:10 1:24-1:41  
        3.10. Scene 19-20: "Special Delivery" 5.11. Howard Kaylan/Mark Volman Voice-Over    
19     0:07:21-0:07:28 0:00-0:07      
    0:07:28-0:07:41   0:00-0:12    
    0:07:53-0:07:55 0:14-0:16 0:12-0:15    
20.01-20.04     0:07:41-0:07:46        
    0:07:46-0:07:53 0:07-0:14      
    0:07:55-0:08:11 0:16-0:31      
20.05-20.11a       0:31-1:49      
20:11b     0:08:40-0:08:50 1:49-1:59      
20.11c-20.12       1:59-2:09      
20.13-20.14a     0:09:00-0:09:21 2:09-2:30      
20.14b-20.15a       2:30-2:36      
20.15b-20.18     0:16:49-0:17:25 2:36-3:11      
3. Centerville
    1.13. Centerville   4.26. Centerville (Mix Outtake) 5.12. Centerville (Rough Mix) 1.03. Centerville  
21.01-21.12 1-53 0:00-2:08 0:17:25-0:19:38 0:00-2:08 0:00-2:08 0:00-2:01  
54-60 2:08-2:31   2:08-2:31 2:08-2:31 2:01-2:24  
  ?     2:31-2:47 2:31-2:47   The Rejected Mexican Pope Leaves The Stage (AOTT) 0:04-0:16
21.13-21.15       2:47-2:51 2:47-2:53    
        3.12. Scene 21: Janet & Lucy    
21.16-21.17     0:19:38-0:19:46 0:00-0:07    
21.18-21.21     0:19:46-0:20:19      
21.22-21.31     0:20:19-0:20:56 0:07-0:44    
        3.18. Scene 21: Larry The Dwarf    
21.32-21.33     0:29:15-0:31:38 0:00-2:11    
4. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich
    1.04. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue)     1.04. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich  
22/23-24 1-11 0:00-0:55     00:00-00:46  
  1.05. Tuna Fish Promenade        
12-74 0:00-2:29     00:46-03:13  
    1.06. Dance Of The Just Plain Folks        
25 75-82 0:00-0:14     03:13-03:28 The Rejected Mexican Pope Leaves The Stage (AOTT) 0:04-0:16
83-94 0:14-0:47     03:28-03:57  
95-102 0:47-1:06     03:57-04:14 The Rejected Mexican Pope Leaves The Stage (AOTT) 0:36-0:49 / Undaunted, The Band Plays On (AOTT) 0:04-0:18
103-144 1:06-2:36     04:14-05:38  
145-147 2:36-2:42     05:38-05:44 The Rejected Mexican Pope Leaves The Stage(AOTT) 1:21-1:29 / Undaunted, The Band Plays On (AOTT) 0:48-0:57
148-155 2:42-3:13     05:44-06:07  
156-157a 3:13-3:19     06:07-06:12 The Rejected Mexican Pope Leaves The Stage (AOTT) 1:29-1:33 / Undaunted, The Band Plays On (AOTT) 0:57-1:01
157b-185 3:19-4:40     06:12-07:40  
    1.07. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)        
26/27 186-197 0:00-0:58     07:40-08:38  
    1.08. The Sealed Tuna Bolero   3.15. Scene 28: The Sealed Tuna Bolero    
26.01-26.11/28 198-219 0:00-1:40 0:20:56-0:22:41 0:00-1:41 08:38-10:15  
5. The Restaurant Scene
    1.09. Lonesome Cowboy Burt   3.17. Scene 30: JCB & Rance    
29.01-29.14   0:00-3:53 0:22:42-0:26:40      
29.15     0:26:40-0:26:56 0:00-0:14    
30     0:26:56-0:29:15 0:14-2:28    
        5.17. Naval Aviation In Art?    
      0:28:06-0:29:11 0:00-1:03    
    1.12. Redneck Eats   5.18. Redneck Eats/The Restaurant Scene (Basic Tracks) 1.05. The Restaurant Scene  
31.01-31.15 1-25 0:00-1:06   0:00-1:12 0:00-1:13  
26-28     1:12-1:22 1:13-1:24  
29-30 1:06-1:10   1:22-1:27 1:25-1:32  
31-43     1:27-1:57 1:32-2:12  
44-88 1:10-2:52   1:57-3:36 2:12-4:05 Like It Or Not (AOTT) 0:59-2:21
31.16-31.19 89-91 2:52-3:02   3:36-3:50 4:05-4:22  
        Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (VPRO, 1971) 4.03. Scene 32: Mystery Roach (Acoustic)/"Yeah? Well Fine!"    
32.01-32.02/31.20-31.21       11:14-11:44 0:00-0:29    
32.03a       11:44-12:39      
        3.03. Mystery Roach      
32.03b     0:06:51-0:07:12 3:03-3:24 0:29-0:50    
32.04     0:07:12-0:07:20 3:24-3:32      
        3.04. "It's A Good Thing We Get Paid To Do This..."     2.15. "It's A Good Thing We Get Paid To Do This" (Playground Psychotics, 1992)
32.05       0:00-0:08 0:50-0:58   0:00-0:07
32.06a       0:08-0:19     0:07-0:14
32.06b-32.19a             0:14-1:58
32:19b       0:19-0:22     1:58-2:01
32.19c             2:01-2:03
32.20-32.21     0:10:22-0:11:09 0:22-1:07     2:03-2:30
32.22-32.23             2:30-2:45
              2.20. "He's Watching Us" (Playground Psychotics, 1992)
32.24a     0:11:09-0:11:13 1:07-1:11 0:58-1:01 [alt. take]    
32.24b-32.25     0:11:13-0:11:33 0:11-1:31     0:00-0:17
32.26-32.27     0:11:33-0:11:52 1:31-1:49 1:01-1:20   0:17-0:34
32.28-32.32     0:11:52-0:12:18 1:49-2:15     0:34-0:58
              6.17. Script Rehearsal Trim (200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition, 2021)
32.33-32.42             0:00-1:08
              2.20. "He's Watching Us" (Playground Psychotics, 1992)
32.43-32.45             0:58-1:21
              2.22. He's Right (Playground Psychotics, 1992)
32.46-32.47             0:00-0:11
        3.06. Scene 32: "Whe Haven't Formed The Group Yet"     6.17. Script Rehearsal Trim (200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition, 2021)
32.48             1:08-1:20
32.49-32.55     0:13:25-0:13:40 0:00-0:14     1:20-1:34
32.56-32.60a             1:34-1:54
32.60b-32.65     0:13:40-0:14:55 0:14-1:26     1:54-2:44
9. The Pleated Gazelle
        5.08. Pianos For The Pleated Gazelle 5.20. I Have Seen The Pleated Gazelle 1.09. The Pleated Gazelle  
33.01-33.09/47 1-16     0:00-0:16 0:00-1:25 00:00-00:59  
        3.21. Scene 33: The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts      
33.10/47 17-18a   0:38:18-0:38:21 0:00-0:02 1:25-1:28 00:59-01:02  
33.11-34.31/47 18b-57       1:28-3:46 01:02-03:34  
34.32-34.33/48/49 58-65a     Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (1971) 09:26-09:39 3:46-4:00 03:34-03:49  
34.34-34.47/48 65b-98       4:00-5:44 03:49-05:52  
34.48-34.49/48 98-101         05:52-06:01  
34.50-34.51/48 102-115a       5:44-6:15 06:01-06:31  
35.52/50 115b         06:31-07:09  
    2.10. Dew On The Newts We Got          
36.53-36.66/51-52 116-145a 0:00-1:09       07:09-08:41  
37.67/53 145b         08:41-09:06  
    2.11. The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts   3.21. Scene 33: The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts 5.22. The Lad Searches The Night For His News (Rough Mix)    
37.68/53 146a 0:00-0:01     0:00-0:02 09:06-09:07  
37.69-37.84/53 146b-152a 0:01-0:15 0:38:21-0:38:36 0:02-0:17 0:02-0:16 09:07-09:20  
152b-162 0:15-0:41     0:16-0:42 09:20-09:44  
163-164       0:42-0:47 09:44-09:51  
165a   0:38:36-0:38:37 0:17-0:18 0:47-0:48 09:51-09:53  
165b       0:48-0:52 09:53-09:56  
  ?   0:38:37-0:38:50 0:18-0:31      
    2.09. Motorhead's Midnight Ranch   Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (VPRO, 1971) 5.23. Motorhead's Midnight Ranch (Rough Mix)    
38.85-86 166-181 0:00-0:21     0:00-1:21 09:56-10:22  
182-206 0:21-1:13   14:57-15:52 0:21-1:14 10:22-11:12  
206-212a 1:13-1:28     1:14-1:30 11:12-11:28  
212b       1:30-1:32 11:28-11:30  
39.87/54           11:30-11:58  
39.88-39.91/54 213-220       1:32-2:03 11:58-12:27  
    2.12. The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth   3.22. Scene 40-41: The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth 5.24. The Girl Wants Fix Him Some Broth (Rough Mix, Alternate Ending)    
40.92-40.112 221-252 0:00-1:10 0:38:50-0:40:04 0:00-1:10 0:00-1:11 12:27-13:51  
    2.13. The Girl's Dream     5.25. The Girl's Dream (Rough Mix)    
41.113-41.117 253-265 0:00-0:54 0:40:04-0:40:59 1:10-2:04 0:00-0:55 13:51-14:47  
    2.14. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce   3.23. Scene 42: Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce 5.26. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters And Courduroy Ponce (Rough Mix)    
42.118-42.123 266-294 0:00-1:00 0:40:18-0:41:22 0:00-1:01 0:00-1:01 14:47-16:02  
42.124-42.127 295-299       1:01-1:15 16:02-16:17  
          5.27. Scene 43—A Cardboard Box    
43.128-43.131/55 300-305       0:00-0:38 16:17-17:08  
          5.28. Scene 44    
44.132-44.148 306-321a       0:00-0:50 17:08-17:55  
45.149/56 321b         17:55-18:13  
    2.07. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes   3.24. Scene 45: A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes 5.29. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes (Rough Mix)    
45.150-45.156/56 322-345 0:00-1:08 0:42:04-0:43:13 0:00-1:08 0:00-1:10 18:13-19:33  
46.157-46.174 346-353         19:33-19:51 [Bogus Pomp (1983) 21:45-22:39]
354     Re-gyptian Strut" (Läther) 0:12-0:13   19:51-19:53
355     3.01. Filthy Habits (Läther) 6:02-6:03 / 6. Whatever Happened To All The Fun In The World (Sheik Yerbouti) 0:03-0:05   19:53-19:57
356-363         19:57-20:18
364-365     3.01. Filthy Habits (Läther) 7:00-7:03   20:18-20:23
366         20:23-20:24
367     3.01. Filthy Habits (Läther) 6:20-6:22 / 6. Whatever Happened To All The Fun In The World (Sheik Yerbouti) 0:21-0:23   20:24-20:27
368-369     3.01. Filthy Habits (Läther) 6:22-6:24 / 6. Whatever Happened To All The Fun In The World (Sheik Yerbouti) 0:24-0:26   20:27-20:31
370         20:31-20:33
371-376     Re-gyptian Strut (Läther) 0:13-0:22   20:33-20:49
377         20:49-21:02  
11. Shove It Right In
        3.25. Scene 57: The Perverted Nun    
57.01-57.15     0:49:34-0:51:06 0:00-1:28    
57.18-57.28     0:51:06-0:53:09 1:28-3:27    
    1.15. Janet's Big Dance Number   3.28. Scene 60: Janet's Big Dance Number 4.22. Janet's Big Dance Number (Basic Tracks) 2.02. Shove It Right In  
57.27-57.28 1-20 0:00-1:18 1:02:51-1:04:13 0:00-1:13 0:00-1:20 0:00-1:03  
    1.14. She Painted Up Her Face   3.27. Scene 58: She Painted Up Her Face 5.30. She Painted Up Her Face (Compressed Mix)    
58   0:00-1:41 1:01:10-1:02:56 0:00-1:43 0:00-1:42    
    1.17. Mysterioso   4.05. Scene 92: Jeff Flips Out/I'm Stealing The Room 5.31. The Secret Stare    
59.01-59.03/60 21-28 0:00-0:48 1:25:10-1:26:00 0:27-1:15 0:00-0:48 1:03-1:41  
59.04-59.22/60 29-64       0:48-2:54 1:41-2:00  
65-72     Duck Duck Goose (Läther) 1:24-1:53 2:54-3:24 3:30-3:55  
    1.16. Half A Dozen Provocative Squats   3.29. Scene 61: Half A Dozen Provocative Squats 5.32. Half A Dozen Provocative Squats (Compressed Mix)    
61   0:00-1:54 1:04:13-1:06:13 0:00-1:55 0:00-1:54    
  1:54-1:57     1:54-1:56    
    1.19. Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist & Postlude   3.30. Scene 62: Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist 5.33. Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist (Basic Tracks)    
62 73-84 0:00-0:27 1:06:09-1:06:35 0:00-0:21 0:00-0:27 3:55-4:16  
85-95 0:27-0:48/0:48-1:09 1:06:35-1:06:57/1:06:57-1:07:19 0:21-0:43/0:43-1:03 0:27-0:48/0:48-1:09 4:16-4:43  
96-103 1:09-1:26 1:07:19-1:07:36 1:03-1:20 1:09-1:26 4:43-4:58  
104       1:26-1:31 4:44-5:02  
    1.18. Shove It Right In   3.31. Scene 63: Shove It Right In 5.34. Shove It Right In (Compressed Mix)    
63   0:00-2:32 1:07:36-1:10:15 0:00-2:32 0:00-2:32    
    1.19. Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist & Postlude     5.35. Postlude (Basic Tracks)    
64 105-108       0:00-0:27 5:02-5:19  
65.01-65.13/66.01-66.03 109-115       0:27-0:43 5:19-5:33  
116 1:26-1:30 1:38:15-1:38:19   0:43-0:46 5:33-5:36  
117-138 1:30-2:52     0:46-2:08 5:36-6:38  
139-150 2:52-4:01 1:38:19-1:39:29   2:08-3:08 6:38-7:26  
        3.32. Scene 67: "I Am Bwana Dik!"      
67.01-67.05     1:10:15-1:11:07 0:00-0:50      
67.08-67.09     1:11:07-1:11:20 0:50-1:03      
67.11-67.12     1:11:20-1:11:25 1:03-1:08      
67.13     1:11:30-1:11:33 1:12-1:16      
67.14     1:01:06-1:01:10 1:16-1:20      
67.15     1:11:25-1:11:30 1:08-1:12      
67.16a     1:11:33-1:12:00 1:20-1:46      
        3.33. Scene 68-69: What Will This Morning Bring Me This Evening 2.11. What Will This Morning Bring Me This Evening [1970]    
67.16b     1:12:00-1:12:03 0:00-0:03      
68/69/70     1:12:03-1:13:12 0:03-1:09 0:00-1:10    
    1:13:12-1:14:06 [1970] 1:10-2:01 [1970] 1:09-2:02    
69     1:14:06-1:14:45 2:01-2:38      
    2.06. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning [1970]   4.04. Scene 71: What Will The Evening Bring Me This Morning [1970] 5.36. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning (Mix Outtake) [1970]    
71/72         0:00-0:30    
  0:00-0:44     0:30-1:14    
  0:44-2:21 1:23:02-1:24:40 0:00-1:39 1:14-2:51    
  2:21-2:24 1:24:40-1:24:42   2:51-2:53    
  2:24-3:29     2:53-3:56    
          2.12. What Kind Of Girl Do You Think We Are [1970]    
73.01-73.23         0:00-4:47    
74         4.47-4.52    
        2.13. Bwana Dik [1970]    
75         0:34-3:06    
    2.04. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy   3.33. Scene 68-69: What Will This Morning Bring Me This Evening 2.14. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy [1970]    
76/77.01-77.15   0:00-0:02     0:00-3:02    
  0:02-0:15 1:14:33-1:14:45 2:26-2:38    
      3.34. Scene 77: Daddy, Daddy, Daddy    
  0:15-3:11 1:14:45-1:17:48 0:00-2:56    
    1:17:48-1:18:11 2:56-3:19    
        Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (VPRO, 1971) 2.15. Do You Like My New Car? [1970]    
78.01-78.12a       03:18-05:03 0:00-0:50    
78.12b-78.30         0:50-3:05    
80         3.05-3.11    
    2.08. Magic Fingers   3.19. Scene 81: Magic Fingers 2.16. Magic Fingers [1970]   4.08. Magic Fingers (Halloween 73, 2019)
81a   0:00-2:19 0:31:38-0:34:05 0:00-2:19 0:00-1:22   0:00-1:54
81b   2:19-2:53 0:34:05-0:34:40 2:19-2:53 2:11-2:46   1:54-2:24
82a   2:53-3:53 0:34:40-0:35:42 2:53-3:53     2:24-3:19
82b             3:19-4:46
12. Penis Dimension
    2.05. Penis Dimension   4.02. Scene 84-85: Penis Dimension 4.25. Penis Dimension (Instrumental Alternate Take) 2.03. Penis Dimension  
84.01-84.11 1-49 0:00-1:37 0:56:16-0:58:01 [alt. take] 0:00-1:41 [alt. take] 0:00-1:38 0:00-1:34  
84.12-84.15 50-63 1:37-2:08 0:58:01-0:58:33 1:41-2:12 1:38-2:07 [alt. take] 1:34-2:00  
85.01-85.16 64-71 2:08-4:37 0:58:33-1:01:06 2:12-4:39 2:07-2:12 [alt. take] 2:00-4:43  
        Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (1971) 6.04. Scene 86    
86.01 72-75       0:00-0:16 4:43-4:57  
86.02-86.06 76-99     16:23-17:19 0:16-1:15 4:57-5:51 Theme From Lumpy Gravy (Duodenum)
86.07-86.08 100-106a       1:15-1:28 5:51-6:03  
86.09 106a         6:03-6:13  
        3.26. Scene 87: "Penis!" 6.05. Scene 87 (Alternate Take)    
87.01-87.46a 106b-138a   0:53:09-0:56:16 0:00-3:00 0:00-3:07 6:13-9:47  
87.46b 138b       3:07-3:15 9:47-9:58  
10. I'm Stealing The Room
        4.01. Scene 90: Biff Debris & Jeff 2.31 I Could Be A Star Now (Playground Psychotics, 1992)    
90.01-90.14a     1:18:12-1:19:52 0:00-1:37      
90.14b-90.17a     1:19:52-1:20:32 1:37-2:15 0:00-0:36    
90.17b-90.36     1:20:32-1:23:01 2:15-4:38      
    2.01. I'm Stealing The Towels     6.07. I'm Stealing The Towels (Basic Tracks, Alternate Take) 2.01. I'm Stealing The Room  
92.01-92.19 1-53 0:00-2:14     0:00-2:13 00:00-02:02  
93     1:23:50-1:24:26/1:27:40-1:27:51        
          6.08. Scene 94—"He's Always Watching Me"    
94 54-56       0:00-0:34 02:02-02:23  
    2.02. Dental Hygeine Dilemma   4.05. Scene 92: Jeff Flips Out/I'm Stealing The Room 6.09. Dental Hygiene Dilemma (Part I, Basic Tracks)    
95.01-95.28 57-113 0:00-2:53 0:43:20-0:46:14   0:00-3:07 02:23-06:23  
96.01-96.04 114-124       3:07-3:45 06:23-06:47  
96.05-96.10 125-131a 2:53-3:40 0:46:14-0:47:01   3:45-4:36 06:47-07:59  
96.11 131b 3:40-3:43     4:36-4:39 07:59-08:03  
96.12-96.22a 132-135 3:43-4:18 1:26:04-1:26:40 1:19-1:53 4:39-5:18 08:03-09:11  
96.22b 136       5:18-5:21 09:11-09:14  
96.23 137-138a 4:18-4:23 1:26:40-1:26:45 1:53-1:58 5:21-5:26 09:14-09:20  
96.24-96.26 138b-151 4:23-5:11 0:47:01-0:47:49   5:26-5:59 09:20-10:11  
    2.03. Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You?     6.10. Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You? (Mix Outtake)    
97.01-97.02 152       0:00-0:02 10:11-10:13  
97.03-97.04 153-157a/b 0:00-0:42 0:47:49-0:48:31   0:02-0:45 10:13-11:24  
157a/b       0:45-0:53  
          6.11. Dental Hygiene Dilemma (Part II, Basic Tracks)    
98.01-98.20a 158-175a 0:42-1:42 0:48:31-0:49:32   0:00-1:06 11:24-12:20  
98.20b-98.24 175b-177a       1:06-1:15 12:20-12:28  
98.25-98.44a 177b-191a 1:42-2:39 1:26:45-1:27:42 1:58-2:53 1:15-2:17 12:28-13:19  
98.44b-98.45/99 191b-193 2:39-2:46     2:17-2:24 13:19-13:26  
194a 2:46-2:48 1:27:42-1:27:44 2:53-2:55 2:24-2:27 13:26-13:28  
      4.06. Scene 100: Strictly Genteel      
194b--196 2:48-2:59 1:27:44-1:27:51 0:00-0:06 2:27-2:43 13:28-13:44  
13. Strictly Genteel
    2.15. Strictly Genteel (The Finale)   4.06. Scene 100: Strictly Genteel 6.12. Strictly Genteel (Basic Tracks) 2.04. Finale: Strictly Genteel  
100.01   00:00-00:13 1:27:44-1:27:59 (alt. take) 0:00-0:13 (alt. take) 0:00-0:13    
100.02a   00:13-00:29 1:27:59-1:28:15 0:13-0:29 0:13-0:29    
100.02b-100.05 1-27 00:29-01:23 1:28:15-1:29:12 0:29-1:24 0:29-1:24 00:00-00:52  
100.06-100.14a 28-44 01:23-01:58 1:29:12-1:29:48 (alt. take) 1:24-1:59 (alt. take) 1:24-2:00 00:52-01:28  
100.14b-100.19 45-58a 01:58-02:26 1:29:48-1:30:16 1:59-2:26 (alt. take) 2:00-2:28 01:28-01:56  
100.20 58b-67 02:26-02:45 1:30:16-1:30:36 2:26-2:45 2:28-2:47 01:56-02:12  
100.21-100.22a 68-70     2:45-2:51 2:47-2:53 02:12-02:18  
100.22b 71 02:45-02:47 1:30:36-1:30:38   2:53-2:56 02:18-02:20  
100.23-100.36 72-118 02:47-04:13     2:56-4:23 02:20-03:45  
100.37-100.40         4:23-4:51   Inca Roads (One Size Fits All, 1975) 4:36-5:09
100.41-100.46 119-122         03:45-04:00  
123-138       4:51-5:33 04:00-04:42  
139-150 04:13-04:34 1:30:38-1:31:00 2:51-3:13 5:33-5:55 04:42-05:03 200 Motels (May 15, 1970) 24:55-25:19
139-154 04:34-04:41 1:31:00-1:31:08 (alt. take) 3:13-3:20 (alt. take) 5:55-6:02 05:03-05:11 200 Motels (May 15, 1970) 25:19-25:31
155-158 04:41-04:49 1:31:08-1:31:12 (alt. take) 3:20-3:24 (alt. take) 6:02-6:09 05:11-05:18  
100.47-100.59 159-189 04:49-05:44 1:31:12-1:32:11 3:24-4:21 6:09-7:06 05:18-06:16  
100.60-100.63 190-193       7:06-7:13 06:16-07:24  
05:44-05:59 1:32:11-1:32:54 (alt. take) 4:21-5:02 (alt. take) 7:13-7:28  
05:59-06:20     7:35-7:56  
  194-219 [93-118]         07:24-08:11  
  [119-122]         08:11-09:14  
100.64-100.67         7:56-8:04   2.12. Strictly Genteel (MAJNH, 1991) 6:01-6:09
        4.07. Scene 100: 200 Motels Finale 6.14. 200 Motels Finale (Master Take Basic Tracks, Unedited Ending)    
100.68-100.87a   06:20-09:38 1:32:54-1:36:23 00:00-03:21      
100.87b-100.88   09:38-09:54 1:36:23-1:36:39 03:21-03:37 0:00-0:15    
101   09:54-10:03 1:36:39-1:36:49 03:37-03:46 0:15-0:25    
    1:36:49-1:36:55 03:46-03:53 0:25-0:31    
  10:03-11:02 1:36:55-1:37:58 03:53-04:53 0:31-1:31    
  11:02-11:10     1:31-1:36    
    1:37:58-1:38:15 04:53-05:10 1:41-1:59    
      05:10-06:44 1:59-3:32    
      06:44-10:12 (alt. take) 3:32-5:59    


disc 1

1. Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (VPRO, 1971) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.01. Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture 1.01. Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture (*)   3.01. Scene 1-2: Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From Hollywood Overture 5.03. Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture (Mix Outtake)
0:00-1:09 0:00-1:09 0:00:43-0:01:55   0:00-1:11 0:00-1:09
1:09-1:16 1:09-1:16 0:01:55-0:02:02 00:16-00:23/27:16-27:36 1:11-1:17 1:18-1:24
1:16-1:58 1:16-1:58 0:02:02-0:02:46   1:17-2:00 1:24-2:06
    0:02:46-0:02:48   2:00-2:02 2:06-2:09

NOTE: For some reason, the voice of Theodore Bikel saying "Ladies 'n gentlemen" at 0:01:49-0:01:52 is not heard on the 2018 MGM/MVD DVD. In its place, the soundtrack repeats the percussion at 1:01:52-1:01:55.

2. Mystery Roach

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.02. Mystery Roach 1.02. Mystery Roach   3.03. Mystery Roach 4.27. Mystery Roach (Alternate Master) 5.19. Mystery Roach (Basic Tracks)
0:00-1:47 0:00-1:47 0:04:49-0:06:42 0:00-1:48 0:00-1:47 0:02-1:49
    0:06:42-0:06:51 1:48-1:57 1:47-1:56 1:49-1:58
      1:57-2:13 1:56-2:13 2:25-2:41
      2:45-3:03 2:13-2:31 2:41-2:59
1:47-2:03 1:47-2:04 0:06:51-0:07:08 3:03-3:19 2:31-2:48 2:59-3:16
    0:07:08-0:07:12 3:19-3:24   3:16-3:20
2:03-2:12 2:04-2:12 0:07:12-0:07:20 3:24-3:32 2:48-2:56 3:20-3:28
2:12-2:32 2:12-2:33     2:56-3:17 3:28-3:49
        3:17-3:26 3:49-3:58


3. Dance Of The Rock & Roll Interviewers

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (VPRO, 1971) The True Story Of 200 Motels (1988) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.03. Dance Of The Rock & Roll Interviewers 1.03. Dance Of The Rock & Roll Interviewers       3.05. Scene 14: What's The Name Of Your Group? I 5.05. What's The Name Of Your Group? (Complete Sequence, Part II)
      02:17-02:52     0:00-0:39
      08:51-09:02   0:00-0:11 1:45-1:56
0:00-0:23 0:00-0:23 0:12:37-0:13:01 09:02-09:26   0:11-0:34 1:56-2:20
0:23-0:37 0:23-0:37 0:13:01-0:13:15 09:39-09:53   0:34-0:47 2:20-2:33
0:37-0:48 0:37-0:48 0:13:15-0:13:25 09:53-10:03 23:04-23:14 0:47-0:57 2:33-2:45


4. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue)

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.04. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue) 1.04. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue) 3.13. Scene 22: This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue) 5.13. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue, Mix Outtake)
0:00-0:55 0:00-0:55 0:00-0:56 0:00-0:56


5. Tuna Fish Promenade

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels (1971, UME 2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.05. Tuna Fish Promenade 1.05. Tuna Fish Promenade 3.14. Scene 23-24: Tuna Fish Promenade 5.14. Tuna Fish Promenade (Mix Outtake)
0:00-2:29 0:00-2:29 0:00-2:30 0:00-2:30


6. Dance Of The Just Plain Folks

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.06. Dance Of The Just Plain Folks 1.06. Dance Of The Just Plain Folks
0:00-4:40 0:00-4:39


7. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.07. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise) 1.07. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)
0:00-0:58 0:00-0:59


8. The Sealed Tuna Bolero

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.08. The Sealed Tuna Bolero 1.08. The Sealed Tuna Bolero   3.15. Scene 28: The Sealed Tuna Bolero 5.15. The Sealed Tuna Bolero (Alternate Take)
0:00-1:40 0:00-1:40     0:00-1:41
    0:20:56-0:22:41 (alt. take) 0:00-1:41 (alt. take)  


9. Lonesome Cowboy Burt

"Where Is Frank? Part III," Discoscene, July 1968

Us: Do you like country music at all?

Frank: I like bluegrass and Appalachian modal music. Just as underground might be, could be, (if you stretched your imagination) the voice of American youth, country music, seems to me, to be the voice of the right wing; frighteningly mentally unhealthy America. People who are living a hard life, like "Boy, I've got it rough," groove with country music because those songs talk about their hard lives, and they can identify with that music. They don't want to hear about love. They want to hear about "my life as a victim of fate." And that's what that music appeals to.

Us: We spoke to Mike Bloomfield, lead guitarist for the Electric Flag, and he said country music reflected the real, hard core America.

Frank: If you'd like to think of America in that way, as unchanging or unchangeable, then country music is the voice of that sort of America Maybe it's necessary that those people be serviced with that sort of music to give them enough stamina to withstand being a truck driver. Unless you really love driving a truck, it would get to be pretty rotten, I imagine. If you have some music to help cheer you up while you're driving that truck, the job is more tolerable. I like bluegrass because of the technical proficiency it takes to play it.

We attended a recording scene in Nashville, and Buck Owens, wow, that guy. He and his friends. They get drunk and drive 200 mph down the street: "Can you hit that mail box?" "Sure I can hit that mail box." Wrap the car around it in the middle of winter, and have to walk 60 miles to the next town. They're just insane. Like there was one of those country stars who died in a plane crash. This one guy had his own private plane, and he was flying over the home of one of his friends. "Oh. I'm going to give that sucker a start!" He wanted to buzz the guy's house, and he crashed his plane. Then they all follow in their daddy's footsteps.

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.09. Lonesome Cowboy Burt 1.09. Lonesome Cowboy Burt   3.16. Scene 29: Lonesome Cowboy Burt 5.16. Lonesome Cowboy Burt (Mix Outtake)
0:00-3:53 0:00-3:51 0:22:42-0:26:40 0:00-3:50 0:02-3:52


10. Touring Can Make You Crazy

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.10. Touring Can Make You Crazy 1.10. Touring Can Make You Crazy 4.24. Touring Can Make You Crazy (Mix Outtake)
0:00-2:52 0:00-2:52 0:00-2:53


11. Would You Like A Snack?

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.11. Would You Like A Snack? 1.11. Would You Like A Snack? 3.09. Scene 18: Went On The Road
0:00-1:23 0:00-1:23 0:00-1:23


12. Redneck Eats

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (VPRO, 1971) The True Story Of 200 Motels (1988) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.12. Redneck Eats     1.12. Redneck Eats 5.18. Redneck Eats/The Restaurant Scene (Basic Tracks)
0:00-0:11     0:00-0:11  
0:11-1:06     0:11-1:06 0:18-1:12
1:06-1:10     1:06-1:10 1:22-1:27
1:10-1:56 21:54-22:18/22:28-23:07 [alt. takes] 30:59-32:12 1:10-1:56 1:57-2:42
1:56-3:02     1:56-3:02 2:42-3:50


13. Centerville

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.13. Centerville 1.13. Centerville   3.11. Scene 21: Centerville 4.26. Centerville (Mix Outtake) 5.12. Centerville (Rough Mix)
0:00-2:08 0:00-2:08 0:17:25-0:19:38 0:00-2:08 0:00-2:08 0:00-2:08
2:08-2:31 2:08-2:31     2:08-2:31 2:08-2:31
        2:31-2:51 2:31-2:53


14. She Painted Up Her Face

FZ, April 1975, Royal Albert Hall Trial, as quoted by FZ with Peter Occhiogrosso, The Real Frank Zappa Book, 1989, p. 123

It is the only piece of material that deals with a look at the motivations of the girl. Many groups have done songs about groupies, but coverage of that subject has been superficial and the lyrics to this song represent some kind of landmark in the way in which the subject has been dealt with.

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.14. She Painted Up Her Face 1.14. She Painted Up Her Face   3.27. Scene 58: She Painted Up Her Face 5.30. She Painted Up Her Face (Compressed Mix)
0:00-1:41 0:00-1:41     0:00-1:42
    1:01:10-1:02:56 (alt. take) 0:00-1:43 (alt. take)  


15. Janet's Big Dance Number

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.15. Janet's Big Dance Number 1.15. Janet's Big Dance Number   3.27. Scene 58: She Painted Up Her Face 4.22. Janet's Big Dance Number (Basic Tracks)
0:00-0:03 0:00-0:03     0:00-0:03
0:03-0:05 0:03-0:04 1:02:55-1:02:56 1:42-1:43 0:03-0:04
      3.28. Scene 60: Janet's Big Dance Number  
0:05-1:18 0:04-1:18 1:02:56-1:04:13 0:00-1:13 0:04-1:20


16. Half A Dozen Provocative Squats

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.16. Half A Dozen Provocative Squats 1.16. Half A Dozen Provocative Squats   3.29. Scene 61: Half A Dozen Provocative Squats 5.32. Half A Dozen Provocative Squats (Compressed Mix)
0:00-1:54 0:00-1:54 1:04:13-1:06:13 0:00-1:55 0:00-1:54
1:54-1:57 1:54-1:57     1:54-1:56


17. Mysterioso

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) Läther (1996, UME 2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.17. Mysterioso 1.17. Mysterioso   1.04. Duck Duck Goose 4.05. Scene 92: Jeff Flips Out/I'm Stealing The Room 5.31. The Secret Stare
0:00-0:48 0:00-0:48 1:25:10-1:26:00   0:27-1:15 0:00-0:48
      1:24-1:53   2:54-3:24


18. Shove It Right In

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.18. Shove It Right In 1.18. Shove It Right In   3.31. Scene 63: Shove It Right In 5.34. Shove It Right In (Compressed Mix)
0:00-2:32 0:00-2:31 1:07:36-1:10:15 0:00-2:32 0:00-2:32


19. Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist & Postlude

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MtGM 2018) Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (VPRO, 1971) The True Story Of 200 Motels (1988) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
1.19. Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist & Postlude 1.19. Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist & Postlude       3.29. Scene 61: Half A Dozen Provocative Squats 5.33. Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist (Basic Tracks)
0:00-0:01 0:00-0:01         0:00-0:01
0:01-0:05 0:01-0:05 1:06:09-1:06:13     1:50-1:55 0:01-0:05
          3.30. Scene 62: Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist  
0:05-1:11 0:05-1:11 1:06:13-1:07:21     0:00-1:05 0:05-1:11
1:11-1:26 1:11-1:26 1:07:21-1:07:36 07:42-07:57/15:52-16:23 [alt. takes] 27:16-27:48 [alt. take] 1:05-1:20 1:11-1:26
            5.35. Postlude (Basic Tracks)
1:26-1:30 1:26-1:29 1:38:15-1:38:19       0:43-0:46
1:30-2:52 1:29-2:51         0:46-2:08
2:52-4:01 2:51-3:59 1:38:19-1:39:29       2:08-3:08


disc 2

1. I'm Stealing The Towels

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.01. I'm Stealing The Towels 1.20. I'm Stealing The Towels   4.05. Scene 92: Jeff Flips Out/I'm Stealing The Room
    1:24:42-1:26:04 0:00-1:19
0:00-2:14 0:00-2:14    


2. Dental Hygiene Dilemma

It's just as if Donovan himself had appeared on my very own TV with words of peace, love, and eternal cosmic wisdom . . . !

heavy . . . like Grand Funk. Or Black Sabbath!

That was Billy The Mountain dressed up like Donovan fading out on the wall mounted TV screen.

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.02. Dental Hygeine Dilemma 1.21. Dental Hygeine Dilemma   4.05. Scene 92: Jeff Flips Out/I'm Stealing The Room 6.09. Dental Hygiene Dilemma (Part I, Basic Tracks)
0:00-2:53 0:00-2:54 0:43:20-0:46:14   0:00-3:07
2:53-3:40 2:54-3:41 0:46:14-0:47:01   3:45-4:36
3:40-3:43 3:41-3:44     4:36-4:39
3:43-4:18 3:44-4:19 1:26:04-1:26:40 1:19-1:53 4:39-5:18
4:18-4:23 4:19-4:24 1:26:40-1:26:45 1:53-1:58 5:21-5:26
4:23-5:11 4:24-5:12 0:47:01-0:47:49   5:26-5:59


3. Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You?

John Atwell, October 31, 2012

Now yesterday I went to see the new movie Argo, and lo and behold, the song is ALSO in the background of one of the scenes of Argo. By reading the credits, I figure out that it's "Hip Hug Her" (1967), an instrumental by Booker T & The MGs.

Now remember, the only reason that Zappa was parodying this song was that it was in the background of this old DJ broadcasting school TV commercial, where the phrase "Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You?" came from! Zappa merely changed the kind of life from "radio DJ" to "fake rock and roll guitar player in a comedy group".

Also read this comment at YouTube, under Booker T & the MG's—Hip Hug Her:

It made a cool commercial for disc jockey school, but it was a fine instrumental in its own right, Everybody knew this song. Frank Zappa did a hilarious cover of it called "Does This Kind of Life Look Interesting to You?" Check it out!

So there are at least 2 people in the world who get this obscure joke! Very obscure reference, but it felt like it was directed right at me! Ahh, what satisfaction!

Does this kind of life look interesting to you?

John Atwell, quoted on Arf: Notes & Comments

I very specifically remember a television commercial in the late '60s that was on behalf of a broadcasting school, can't recall the name. In it, a clean-cut disc-jockey sits in a sound booth, calls the next tune, begins playing it, and as he lowers the volume of the room monitor he turns in his comfortable chair and addresses the camera and audience, beginning with "Does this kind of life look interesting to you?". You have to imagine this phrase being uttered in that smooth disc-jockey-type voice to get the full impact of what Zappa was parodying. Also, the tune in the background of the commercial is definitely being parodied by Zappa in the orchestra part.

Please, I need someone else who lived in L.A. in the '60s to tell me they have remember that ad, too!

and Ona's tits

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.03. Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You? 1.22. Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You?   4.05. Scene 92: Jeff Flips Out/I'm Stealing The Room 4.20. Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You? (Mix Outtake) 6.10. Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You? (Mix Outtake)
0:00-0:42 0:00-0:42 0:47:49-0:48:31     0:02-0:45
          6.11. Dental Hygiene Dilemma (Part II, Basic Tracks)
0:42-1:42 0:42-1:42 0:48:31-0:49:32   0:00-1:00 0:00-1:06
        1:00-1:08 1:06-1:15
1:42-2:39 1:42-2:39 1:26:45-1:27:42 1:58-2:53 1:08-2:05 1:15-2:17
2:39-2:46 2:39-2:46     2:05-2:12 2:17-2:24
2:46-2:48 2:46-2:48 1:27:42-1:27:44 2:53-2:55 2:12-2:14 2:24-2:27
      4.06. Scene 100: Strictly Genteel    
2:48-2:59 2:48-2:59 1:27:44-1:27:51 0:00-0:06 2:14-2:26 2:27-2:43


4. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy

Ooo-ooo, do you like my new car?
It's a Chevy!

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.04. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy 1.23. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy   3.33. Scene 68-69: What Will This Morning Bring Me This Evening
0:00-0:02 0:00-0:02    
0:02-0:15 0:02-0:15 1:14:33-1:14:45 2:26-2:38
      3.34. Scene 77: Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
0:15-3:11 0:15-3:11 1:14:45-1:17:48 0:00-2:56
    1:17:48-1:18:11 2:56-3:19


5. Penis Dimension

FZ, interviewed by Ian Pollock, Time Out, December 17-23, 1971

Certain paranoias form the basis of some of your material, like Penis Dimension. To what extent are these your own, those of the group, everybody's? Are you worried about the size of your prick?

Well, I wouldn't say so, no. I would say that there are certain aspects of the film that are extracted from just the general atmosphere of this age, the whole rock 'n' roll age, the whole scene of pop music. It's not just the experience of the Mothers, a lot of the stuff about touring could apply to any group that's had related experiences.

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.05. Penis Dimension 1.24. Penis Dimension   4.02. Scene 84-85: Penis Dimension 4.25. Penis Dimension (Instrumental Alternate Take) 6.03. Penis Dimension (Basic Tracks)
    0:56:16-0:58:01 0:00-1:41   0:00-1:40
0:00-1:37 0:00-1:37     0:00-1:38  
1:37-4:37 1:37-4:36 0:58:01-1:01:06 1:41-4:39   1:40-4:39


6. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning

Joseph C, Zappateers, April 10, 2010

[The demo version is] the same recording as on the soundtrack—but with a shit-kicking instrumental intro (which was also part of the song during live performances). Also, the bassline appears to be slightly different.

Tan Mitsugu, September 10, 2016

For the first forty-five seconds, both versions have the same bass line. But after that, they have different lines.

Maybe a hot one (to give me the clap!)

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, UME 2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.06. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning 1.25. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning   2.18. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning (Alternate Mix) 2.25. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning (Mix Outtake) 4.04. Scene 71: What Will The Evening Bring Me This Morning 5.36. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning (Mix Outtake)
      0:00-0:30 0:00-0:30   0:00-0:30
0:00-0:44 0:00-0:44   0:30-1:14 0:30-1:15   0:30-1:14
0:44-2:21 0:44-2:20 1:23:02-1:24:40 1:14-2:50 1:15-2:51 0:00-1:39 1:14-2:51
2:21-2:24 2:20-2:23 1:24:40-1:24:42 2:50-2:52 2:51-2:54   2:51-2:53
2:24-2:34 2:23-2:33   2:52-3:03 2:54-3:04   2:53-3:04
2:34-3:29 2:33-3:26   3:03-3:54     3:04-3:56
      3:54-4:03     3:56-4:06


7. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes

Some old melodies
An aura

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.07. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes 2.01. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes   3.24. Scene 45: A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes 5.29. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes (Rough Mix)
0:00-1:08 0:00-1:09 0:42:04-0:43:13 0:00-1:08 0:00-1:10


8. Magic Fingers

(Save for your chrome-with-heavy-duty-leather-thong Peace Medallion, heh . . . )

FZ, interviewed by Emmett Lake, East Village Other, February 1-15, 1967

Peaceniks . . . Bullshit. Demonstrations of that sort don't do anything . . . They're not effective. People have a misguided conception of what is effective politically. I can't believe those people really believe that marching around with a sign saying "Peace" . . . I would say "Sure. You just keep on marching around with your sign and it's gonna happen." That's really dumb. [...] The war should be stopped. It's a war of greed. They all are, I guess. Even the Crusades. But that's not the way to do it.

And make you assume a series of marginally erotic poses involving . . . a plastic chair and . . . an old guitar strap while I . . . did a wee-wee in your hair and . . . beat you with a pair of tennis shoes . . . I got from Jeff Beck.

Frank Zappa (Roelof Kiers, VPRO, 1971)

Roelof Kiers: Miss Lucy, what's— What are the highlights of your career as a GTO?
Miss Lucy: The highlights? Ah, well once, oooo, once . . . once I was very drunk at the log cabin and we were having a rehearsal—(You don't say)—and Jeff Beck came over, a-HA HA! And I don't know what happened but he had some J&B Scotch. And ehm, I went to the hotel with him. And he let me wear his boots.
Miss Connie: That was your highlight?
Miss Lucy: Well, that was one of the highlights. Oh, not that part. And eh, I didn't have any clothes on except for his boots on. And then I . . . Can I say this, can I say anything I want? I pissed on his chest, AAAH HA HA! The next day I was hard all over, beside I was so embarassed, when I saw him again I was so, ooooh . . . That was one of them.

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (Rykodisc, 1997) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.08. Magic Fingers 2.02. Magic Fingers 2.20. Magic Fingers (Single Edit)   3.19. Scene 81: Magic Fingers 4.28. Magic Fingers (Mix Outtake)
0:00-2:53 0:00-2:54 0:00-2:54 0:31:38-0:34:40 0:00-2:55 0:00-2:54
2:53-2:57 2:54-2:58   0:34:40-0:34:44 2:55-2:59 2:54-2:58
2:57-3:53 2:58-3:54   0:34:44-0:35:41 2:59-3:53  
    2:54-2:56 0:35:41-0:35:42    


9. Motorhead's Midnight Ranch

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) Frank Zappa filmt 200 Motels (VPRO, 1971) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.09. Motorhead's Midnight Ranch 2.03. Motorhead's Midnight Ranch   4.15. Motorhead's Midnigh Ranch (Mix Outtake) 5.23. Motorhead's Midnight Ranch (Rough Mix)
0:00-0:21 0:00-0:21   0:00-0:21 0:00-0:21
0:21-1:13 0:21-1:14 14:57-15:52 0:21-1:14 0:21-1:14
1:13-1:28 1:14-1:29   1:14-1:29 1:14-1:30
      1:29-1:31 1:30-1:32


10. Dew On The Newts We Got

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.10. Dew On The Newts We Got 2.04. Dew On The Newts We Got 5.21. Dew On The Newts We Got (Rough Mix)
0:00-1:09 0:00-1:09 0:00-1:11


11. The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.11. The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts 2.05. The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts   3.21. Scene 33: The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts 5.22. The Lad Searches The Night For His News (Rough Mix)
    0:38:18-0:38:21 0:00-0:02  
0:00-0:01 0:00-0:01     0:00-0:02
0:01-0:15 0:01-0:15 0:38:21-0:38:36 0:02-0:17 0:02-0:16
0:15-0:41 0:15-0:41     0:16-0:42
    0:38:36-0:38:37 0:17-0:18 0:47-0:48
    0:38:37-0:38:50 0:18-0:31  


12. The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.12. The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth 2.06. The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth   3.22. Scene 40-41: The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth 5.24. The Girl Wants Fix Him Some Broth (Rough Mix, Alternate Ending)
0:00-1:10 0:00-1:10 0:38:50-0:40:04 0:00-1:10 0:00-1:11


13. The Girl's Dream

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.13. The Girl's Dream 2.07. The Girl's Dream   3.22. Scene 40-41: The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth 5.25. The Girl's Dream (Rough Mix)
0:00-0:54 0:00-0:55 0:40:04-0:40:59 1:10-2:04 0:00-0:55


14. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.14. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce 2.08. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce   3.23. Scene 42: Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce 5.26. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters And Courduroy Ponce (Rough Mix)
0:00-1:00 0:00-1:01 0:41:00-0:42:04 0:00-1:01 0:00-1:01


15. Strictly Genteel (The Finale)

FZ, interviewed in Phoenix, April 7, 1973 by Dan Foote, Chuck Bufe & John Ridgway, New Times, April 18, 1973

That closing scene was intended to be a parody of every sincere announcer that closes off every musical program. You know, "Ladies and Gentlemen." The horrible thing about that closing thing is, and I didn't know it when I wrote it . . . is that that's just about the way Theodore Bikel usually closes the act he does on stage—it's almost the same kind of rap, and I didn't know.

Steve Vai, "You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 6," Full Discography, The Official Steve Vai Website
I had heard Frank mention that ["Strictly Genteel"] was one of his favorite songs that he'd written.

He's making me do this, ladies and gentlemen. I wouldn't do it if it weren't for this.

FZ, interviewed by Ian Pollock, Time Out, December 17-23, 1971

Are there many ad libs in '200 Motels'?

There are a few in there, but mostly it's all scripted. The biggest ad lib is Howard's thing at the end where he's saying 'he's making me do it'.

Sources & Edits

200 Motels (1971, Rykodisc 1997) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels (1971, MGM 2018) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021) 200 Motels 50th Anniversary Edition (2021)
2.15. Strictly Genteel (The Finale) 2.09. Strictly Genteel (The Finale)   4.06. Scene 100: Strictly Genteel 6.12. Strictly Genteel (Basic Tracks)
00:00-00:13 00:00-00:13     0:00-0:13
    1:27:44-1:27:59 0:00-0:13  
00:13-01:23 00:13-01:24 1:27:59-1:29:12 0:13-1:24 0:13-1:24
    1:29:12-1:29:48 1:24-1:59  
01:23-01:58 01:24-02:00     1:24-2:00
01:58-02:26 02:00-02:28 1:29:48-1:30:16   2:00-2:28
02:26-02:45 02:28-02:47 1:30:16-1:30:36 2:26-2:45 2:28-2:47
      2:45-2:51 2:47-2:53
02:45-02:47 02:47- 1:30:36-1:30:38   2:53-
02:47-04:13 -04:16     -4:23
04:13-04:34 04:16-04:38 1:30:38-1:31:00 2:51-3:13 5:33-5:55
    1:31:00-1:31:12 3:13-3:24  
04:34-04:49 04:38-04:53     5:55-6:09
04:49-05:44 04:53-05:49 1:31:12-1:32:11 3:24-4:21 6:09-7:06
    1:32:11-1:32:54 4:21-5:02  
05:44-05:59 05:49-06:04     7:13-7:28
05:59-6:20 06:04-06:25     7:35-7:56
  06:25-06:29     8:01-8:04
      4.07. Scene 100: 200 Motels Finale 6.14. 200 Motels Finale (Master Take Basic Tracks, Unedited Ending)
6:20-09:38 06:29-09:50 1:32:54-1:36:23 00:00-03:21  
09:38-10:03 09:50-10:15 1:36:23-1:36:49 03:21-03:46 0:00-0:25
    1:36:49-1:36:55 03:46-03:53 0:25-0:31
10:03-11:02 10:15-11:15 1:36:55-1:37:58 03:53-04:53 0:31-1:31
11:02-11:10 11:15-11:20     1:31-1:36
    1:37:58-1:38:15 04:53-05:10 1:41-1:59
      05:10-06:44 1:59-3:32


16. CUT 1 "Coming Soon! . . . "


17. CUT 2 "The Wide Screen Erupts . . . "


18. CUT 3 "Coming Soon! . . . "


19. CUT 4 "Frank Zappa's 200 Motels . . . "


20. Magic Fingers (Single Edit)



Research, compilation and maintenance by Román García Albertos
Original provocation by Vladimir Sovetov
This page updated: 2024-06-22