Dancin' Fool

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared


Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)



Foggy G, "The Songs That Were Played," We're Only In It For The Touring

1977 Sep-Dec: Thankfully, it was only performed twice on this tour. It debuted on 10/30 in possibly the most interesting performance this tune has ever presented. The basic structure of the song is the same for this premiere performance, but the tune has quite a different feel due to the hesitancy of both Frank and the band. The opening music (and pre-verse section) is not as abrupt, missing the crashing guitar chord and consisting of only the repeating keyboard and bass riff. Frank messes up the second verse during this performance, and has the band go back and do it again. The "Beat goes on..." section is a lot more chaotic, and the ending simply consists of the "I may be totally wrong..." section, and a closing train crash. Without a doubt, this is the most interesting performance of this tune as it is the only one which sounds different from the "Sheik Yerbouti" version. The only other performance on this tour is on 12/31, and unfortunately, the band had a chance to practice it by then.

1978 Jan-Feb: Performed as it was always performed, with this band being forgiven as it was the first band to always perform it this way. While I hate to admit this, I sort of like this version of "Dancin' Fool" as it seems to have a healthier dose of disco than any other tour's rendition, and this mock-sincerity makes this tour's performances more satisfying.

1978 Aug-Oct: Performed as always—as on the last tour, the next tour, the tour after that, the tour that then followed that, etc., etc., ETC.

1979: Essentially performed as on "Anyway the Wind Blows" from Beat the Boots Volume I, and as it was always performed—on every tour, forever, ad naseum. The only highpoint of this band's version of this song is Vinnie's manic drum style. He is simply all over the place.

1980 Mar-Jul: What more do I need to say? You know how it goes, and it sure did not change on this tour.

1980 Oct-Dec: Essentially performed as on every tour it was ever performed on, with that little extra energy brought about by Vai's presence in the band.

1981: Yes, it's the same version we all have come to know and love. A rare guest on this tour, apparently rearing its disco head on Halloween only, and then in the middle of the set on the final date of the tour. A trick, or a treat?

1982: Did we really need this song released on YCDTOSA Volume V? Did this song ever change? How many people know what Kinishinai means? Your place or mine? [Okay, so it was played faster this time out. But was that an artistic decision, or Frank being merciful? But, to be honest, if I was forced to listen to any particular version of this song, I would go with this one—thanks to the speed of the performance and Vai's metal flourishes.]

1984: Do you really want to know how this was played? Let me give you a hint—the only performance of this song that sounds anything different than any other performance of this song is the very first performance—and that one sucked.

1988: Allowing for obvious differences in instrumentation, this song appears as it always appeared. A true satiric classic, unwavering in the changing tide of time, managing to stay the same despite the changes thrown at it.


Conceptual Continuity

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Site maintained by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2023-03-05