

Joe Travers, "Who The F*@% Is Frank Zappa (Save The Vault, Tell The Story)," Kickstarter, April 9, 2016

Gail told me that at one time that Frank was a possible— there was a possibility that he could have done music for The Fly, in the '80s. And so I found some tapes that say "Fly #1," "Fly #2," "Fly #3." [...] The Synclavier was kind of newish in this time period—like '85—and the sound quality of it is really great and it's so cool to hear music being inspired by something.

Ahmet Zappa, interviewed by Andrew Greenaway, February 5, 2018

Okay. Did you ever verify that Frank composed music for David Cronenberg's The Fly?
Oh yeah, we have that. He made some samples. Stuart Cornfeld was a good family friend and he would come over and spend a lot of time, so they totally talked about it.




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This page updated: 2024-04-06