KPFT, Houston, TX
October 20, 1980

Interviewer: Well, anyway, we've got Frank's new album here, and it's called—

FZ: It's called Crush All Boxes.

Interviewer: Crush All Boxes, yeah. You told us when we did an interview by telephone with you a few months ago and you told us it was going to be called You Are What You Is. What happened to that?

FZ: Oh, I just changed my mind.

Interviewer: Just changed your mind, well that sounds good. Well anyway, let's hear a cut from this brand new Zappa album that you haven't got yet. But uh, new, so, here it is, and it's called—

FZ: "Doreen."

Interviewer: "Doreen."


FZ: You ever heard of an artist named David Blue?

Phone Caller: No, I havent.

FZ: Well, he used to work in Greenwich Village in the early '60s when we were working there. And he had this old amplifier—it was a Standel, about the same size as a Fender Deluxe. And he donated it to our cause when we were short of equipment. And that's the amplifier that turned out to be "Electric Aunt Jemima."


Interviewer: Oh, speaking of nice ones, tell us about your record that we just played. Totally forgot about that.

FZ: You just heard "Doreen," "Some More Like That," "Easy Meat," and "Goblin Girl."

Interviewer: And that's all from Frank's new album, which will be out when?

FZ: In about three or four weeks. It's called Crush All Boxes.

Interviewer: Yeah, you brought along the graphics—the color graphics of that record too.

FZ: Can we show it to the microphone?

Interviewer: Yeah, just hold it up and let them see it. You'll notice that it looks like—a bit like, just a bit like the original We're Only In It For The Money album.

FZ: Here it comes now.

Interviewer: Now, isn't that great, folks? Where else but on KPFT would you get to see the cover of Frnk Zappa's new album that isn't even in the stores yet?

FZ: Right. It's almost like being on television, but not quite as yet.

Interviewer: Right.


FZ: There was a school teacher that I knew named Phyllis Rubino, and she had a object in her house that was a rock, and it was painted blue, and written on it there was a sign that said, "Help, I'm a rock." And I thought, "Now, there's a nice name for a song."


FZ: Why don't you cue up the other side of the album and I'll take another call?


Interviewer: Okay, well we have side two of the brand new Frank Zappa album that isn't in the store yet and won't be for another four weeks, already cued up. Do you want to tell us anything about it?

FZ: Yeah, all the songs segue together so it might as well play the whole side. The songs are "Society Pages," "I'm A Beautiful Guy," "Beauty Knows No Pain," "Charlie's Enormous Mouth," "Any Downers?," and "Conehead."


Interviewer: Well, all of the band members, there's a lot of people over the years, a lot of big names we all know have been through the various incarnations of the Mothers and Zappa and, uh, wondering aside from those that you now have in your band, who are some of the ones that you are most pleased to have had in your band at any given time?

FZ: I think probably the most outstanding musicians that have been in the band were two of them, that's Ruth and George. Ruth Underwood and George Duke were both very outstanding. [...]

Interviewer: Any others?

FZ: Any other musicians?

Interviewer: Yeah.

FZ: Oh, I enjoyed working with Aynsley Dunbar.


Caller: I always wanted to know if there is any chance that you and Barbra Streisand could get together and make an album.

FZ: It's funny that you should mention that. I mean, you're not going to believe this, but, you see, I wrote this musical—it's about an evil 7-foot tall space woman and a giant spider and uh, this really exists. It's called Hunchentoot. And twice her office has called to see the script for that particular event. And one of these days it just might work out that Barbra Streisand plays the role of Drakma, the Queen of Cosmic Greed in a thing called Hunchentoot.



All compositions by Frank Zappa except as noted
Site maintained by Román García Albertos.
Original transcription by Román
This page updated: 2018-08-25

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